Our Commitment
To deliver a five-star experience by customizing effective strategies that achieve the results you desire. As professional real estate agents, we believe that every person has great value. We honor the thoughts, feelings and traditions of our clients and respect their opinions. We conduct business and live our lives using a strong moral code that communicates to others that “they are valued”
Your Silver Elk Experience
You are part of every decision made during the process. Our job is to guide and lead where needed, and deliver results based on collaborative efforts. We listen to, and deliver what you ask for.
Education for our clients begins at the very onset of the decision to buy or sell, providing key materials that are needed for enhancing the learning experience.
We consult, manage and direct all activities for our clients. Continuous communication is crucial because you need to know what’s going on at all times.
Our negotiating strategy involves exercising diplomacy when dealing with other agents, and leveraging intel gained from the competition. Coupled with the correct pricing and marketing strategies, these techniques help motivate and encourage high offers, and meaningful contract terms for our sellers.
We have a track record of success in negotiating contracts, and winning bids for our buyers in multiple offer situations.